Sunday, April 14, 2024

Shock And Awe reflection

     The movie Shock and Awe is based on President George Bush's illegal invasion of Iraq and the consequences it caused. The press Knight Ridder was looking to expose Bush's illegal action through gathering sources. 

    However other more popular newsrooms were looking to defend Bush and relayed untrue information. Knight Ridder had an accurate depiction of the situation but was overlooked. 

    The actions shown in the newsroom show how committed Knight Ridder was to relaying the truth to the public eye. Knight Ridder's focus wasn't on making the most money, its main focus was gathering the proper sources that would allow them to stop the invasion of the Iraq war.

    Other news stations' focus was on making the most money and receiving the most amount of views. The conflict that was presented between the press and the government was uncanny.

 Bush lied to be able to invade Iraq, and Knight-Ridder was looking to expose the truth. However, the other news station published a story on Bush but left out the fact that he was lying about Iraq holding Nuclear weapons. 

    This was where conflict was raised in Knight Ridder because they had the information but knew that if they published the story no one would read it because the other news station was more popular. 

    The conflict between Knight Ridder and other Journalists was because other Journalists agreed with Bush's justification for war but never did enough research to back it up.

 Knight Ridder while being the news station willing to go against the president and show the truth, didn't have enough viewers to gain enough publicity for exposure. 

The most important scene throughout the movie is when the boss of Knight Ridder enters the other Journalists' office and confronts them about the story and how it left out the source of Bush's lying about weapons. The other news station then continued to bash Knight Ridder's boss saying the reason the other news station was more popular was because they presented the best stories. 

    This interaction shows the bad side of the media and untruthful journalism. Once the soldiers were sent to invade Iraq, we saw that Knight-Ridder had the proper covering of the story and that Bush was lying. 

    This movie shows the lesson of not putting leaders in place who crave war. This invasion was highly unnecessary and if the media covered it properly it would have been exposed for what it was.

 Another lesson we see from this movie is influencing media to inform the public of truthful news. It also influences us to check our sources no matter what before believing something we are told right away. 

    This movie ties together the importance of truthful Journalism, and the actions we need to take to gather information before reporting it. 

    Future journalists need to be aware of what they are informing the public of because they are who the public pays attention to for information. The ending of Shock and Awe is proof that truthful journalism, and electing truthful leaders will allow our society to succeed as a healthier nation.


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