Sunday, April 21, 2024

EOTO 3 Reax

 All my classmates chose a person who has made a huge impact in the media field. These presentations helped me gather an analysis of the different experiences of Journalists. Each classmate took the time to present a biography and provide detailed information. 

    One of my classmates dove into the life of Bob Woodward. He was born on March 26th, 1943, and graduated from Yale. He then pursued a career in the Navy. Bob Woodward is known for his production of the book The Agenda. 

    This book dives further into Bill Clinton's election and provides interviews with administrative insiders. He influences the world with his ability to succeed in the political field. He wrote many books, including Bush Years, Obama Years, and Trump Years. He is a bestselling author and Pulitzer Prize winner. He continues to report to this day. 

    My other classmate covered a biography of Ted Turner. He founded CNN in 1980. As technology evolved so did the ways of reporting. In 1976 he worked with CNN on satellite distribution. 

    With the success of CNN, CNN 2 headline news took air. Some of his other successes include Moneyline (1980), Evans and Novak (1980), Crossfire (1982), and Larry King Live (1985). Ted Turner is also known as an environmentalist. 

    Someone else covered Howard Coswell and specifically presented how he was a loved and hated man. He was born on March 25th, 1918 in Winston-Salem. However, he grew up and spent most of his life in Brooklyn. 

    He has a law degree from NYU and also was the host of a radio show. He then transitioned into broadcasting for sports in 1958. He is known for supporting Muhammed  Ali, John Carlos, and Tommy Smith. He is known for his anchor position on Monday Night football. His career started to decline in 1982 when he stopped boxing commentating. He was placed in the Television Academy Hall Of Fame.

    Bernard Shaw was also someone that my classmate covered for a presentation. Early into his career he joined the high school newspaper and did school announcements.

     In 1959 he joined the Marine Corps, and then in 1964, he enrolled at the University of Illinois. While at the University of Illinois, he worked as a radio news reporter and TV news writer. 

    In 1971 he started reporting for CBS. As his career started to take off he started anchoring for CNN in 1980 and then moderated the presidential debate in 1988. In 1989 he covered the Tiananmen Square protest. He retired in 2001 with plenty of success and rewards. 

    Martha Gellhorn was born on November 8th, 1908 in St. Louis Missouri. She attended Byrn Mawr College. As she stepped further into her journalism career, she landed her first job with The New Republic which was a progressive political magazine. She also wrote for the Albany Times Newspaper. 

    She lived during the great depression and as this was taking place she took her typewriter and booked it to New York. This was the most popular destination for Journalism at the time. She then secured a job with the New York Times bureau office. 

    She also covered the United Press during the First World War. She also did some work with Vogue. As the Spanish Civil War was taking place she covered the bombings of Barcelona and soldiers' stories about life in the trenches. 

    My classmates gathered important information on all of these successful Journalists and were able to present it to the class. These presentations allowed me to further develop my knowledge of History, and important Journalists before I was born. 

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EOTO 3 Reax

 All my classmates chose a person who has made a huge impact in the media field. These presentations helped me gather an analysis of the dif...