Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Front Page Reflection

    The movie The Front Page covers a group of Journalists whose main objective is to make money by covering the most business strategy stories. Even if it means disregarding morals that they have set in place for themselves as human beings. 

    This movie takes place in 1929 when a journalist who was about to move discovers a criminal who is being searched for by police. He then hides him from other journalists, and business outlets so that he can cover the story and make the most money. 

The Front Page important characters

    Even though something this outrageous wouldn't happen in today's decade of journalists because they would go to jail for life. It isn't completely outdated and old timely because journalism is still corrupt. 

    Journalism outlets claim to be unbiased and mainly focus on the people. But they really focus on how to make the most money, even if they have to disregard moral values. 

    Even though this movie takes place in 1929 the type of Journalism this movie is based on is in 1904 when the Hearst L.A Examiner covered investigative journalism.

     Hearst was known for using images and bold headlines to real in his audience. The Front Page uses similar tactics to cover investigative journalism. In the movie, the Journalism outlet is willing to hide a criminal to gain the best coverage for their story. This is a bold move and was the main idea behind this movie. 

The producer of The Front Page

    In this movie, the Sheriff and the Journalism outlet are hostile towards one another. The sheriff is situationally aware and knows that the journalists will do anything to produce a story that will make money.

     When the outlet is hiding the criminal the sheriff suspects that they are involved in the reason for his disappearance. 

    Journalists and police today are less hostile towards one another depending on the situation. Sometimes situations occur where they are more hostile. However, a lot of the time journalists and police are on the same side. Sometimes when Journalists are pushy, towards celebrities and harass them, police and journalists are then hostile towards one another. 

The Front Page Advertisement

        The reporters and the mayor's relationship contained coverage, similar to the media and politicians today. The news and the media only cover certain areas and sway politicians, and the people how they want. 

    Journalists and positions of power act similarly today because they use corruption, and money to cover what they don't want you to know. They use biases and personal gain to continue their selfish endeavors. 

    The press and politicians collaborate with one another to sway biases based off of political parties. 

    This is why political parties should not exist. If you are a democrat then the democratic news only covers a biased take of democratic news. And if you are republican the republican news only covers the biased areas of republican news. 

    The press uses negative coverage of politicians to sway the politics of the world to vote for a certain political party. This is why Journalists should not be a part of a political party because they are biased when they are. Politicians also use money and power to sway the press away from covering their negatives and only showing their positive side. 

    Authority, power, and money are the reason politics and the press are so corrupt. The system is flawed, and collaboration is used to cover certain areas of our world. Similar to when the news outlet The Front Page used collaboration to hide a criminal for personal gain. 

    Molly and Peggy are the female characters in The Front Page, and this shows women's suffrage. The women in this movie are treated as if they aren't human because of their gender. This is something that has improved today but still takes place. 

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