Sunday, April 7, 2024

Good night, and good luck movie reax

 The film Goodnight and Good Luck focuses on the conflict between a journalist and a senator. The Journalist dedicates his time to exposing the injustice being committed by the Senate through a senate investigation. This film is a history lesson to us about political power and the control it can have on the public eye. Throughout this film, many lessons occur. For example, Journalist Murrow gives a speech in the movie reminding the public of the TV's accountability to educate the public on important figures' intentions. Senator McCarthy was one of the most controversial senators in American history and Murrow dedicated his time to exposing the truth about him.

    Murrow was willing to take the risk and cover every angle of news because journalists were getting too comfortable only covering good news. This also shows how Journalists are often swayed by biases because of fear of government power and money. For example, the journalists were debating on whether or not to run the story because of government contracts. They decided to run the piece to show the "infringement of civil liberties." 

    Throughout the movie, a woman goes to trial for being accused of communist ties with very little evidence. McCarthy the senator trials her as guilty knowing the very little evidence presented throughout the trial. Murrow the Journalist exposes him for an unfair trial. Murrow brings McCarthy on his show to give him a chance to defend himself, and McCarthy uses it to accuse Murrow of ties to communism. The Senate then filed an investigation on McCarthy. 

    Joe and Shirley work in for the same journalism company as Murrow and are secretly married. This is against company policy because two employees aren't allowed to be together. This is a lesson in Journalism because journalists are responsible for presenting the least amount of bias possible. Bill is another character apart of the same company as Murrow and he holds a higher position than Murrow. Bill attempts to censor Murrow and then proceeds to fire him. 

    Murrow being told he only has 5 more shows left with this Journalism company, leads him to stand his ground. Murrow concludes his career by giving a speech on how Journalists are supposed to cover all the issues in the real world. He ends his speech with the quote "Good night and good luck."

    Murrow's speech holds significance to the lesson of this film. The government and people of power censor the public, and its a journalist's job to present all sides of the story. Murrow wasn't happy with how Journalists were being censored, and the public not being aware. He uses what power he holds to influence the people and open their eyes to the ways of the world. His speech allows the people to see that censorship is a very real issue. Senator McCarthy feared Murrow and his dedication to expressing the wrongdoing in Journalism. Out of fear, he claimed Murrow to be a communist because he didn't want the controversy to form in the people. McCarthy could see that Murrow was relentless when it came to expressing all the truth in Journalism. McCarthy did not want Murrow to expose all the bad sides of the world, and McCarthy himself.

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