Thursday, February 8, 2024


    Over the years news and media have developed from the inspiration of different generations of people. The natural human ability to develop a skill is determined by approach and discipline. To create a long-lasting Journalism style, we first need to take a look at the approach of other successful Journalists.
Photo of Reuters news 

    The ability to capture an audience's attention and retain attention spam is the most important part. This information will carry me through my journalism career. 

    Around the world, different news stations present different ways of reporting information to communities. For example, my classmate informed me that the successful news production of Reuters focuses on marketing behind Journalism mainly. 

    They use all different types of apps, and resources to make sure that the information behind their news company gets around. They also hold their reporters to high standards and make sure that their reporters are well-written, well-spoken, and know how to capture attention.    

    They mainly focused on the writing aspect and style behind the news produced and later developed the Associated Press Stylebook. The purpose of the AP stylebook was to teach efficient, accurate, and unbiased news pieces. 

    The Associated Press was developed on May 22, 1846. My classmate informed me that this style of newspaper production focused on helping people gain access to news at faster rates on various platforms, for example, Datastream and Laserphoto. What made this business successful was the marketing and production behind the journalism. 
Photo Of Associated Press

    The Association Of American Editorial Cartoonists approached informing the public by using images that gather and trigger human emotion. The program was designed to teach and inform the public through sight.

    Their motto was "Professional association concerned with promoting the interests of staff, freelance and student editorial cartoonists in the US." 

    The N.P.P.A was an organization of visual journalists, who wanted their co-workers to express themselves freely. They further developed journalism through visual presentation, symbolism, and imagery. 

Photo of The Boston news
    The Boston News Letter was published on April 24 1704 back when America was still a British colony. This newsletter was a small single sheet that was double-sided. This newsletter produced information about Europe and the colonies. 

    John Campbell was a writer for the Boston Newsletter, and he immigrated to Boston where he first set up shop as a bookseller. Benjamin Harris decided he wanted to fight for freedom of the press and used journalism as his main outlet. 
    This changed the way people processed and perceived the news they were given. With the way Benjamin Harris covered his stories, the people were able to be more involved in forming opinions about the place they lived. 

    The Boston Newsletter was known for being the first published newspaper in America. This paper also played a huge role in part of the American Revolution in 1775. 

    The New York Times was written by Henry Raymond and George Jones in 1851. This paper was written by mostly Republicans and endorsed candidates for president. The focus of this paper was sound money. All of these papers in New York at the time focused on getting information to the public that they were allowed to have knowledge of. 

    The basis behind these newspapers and what made them successful was the adaptation from generation to generation. All of these papers produced news the public was ready to hear no matter how controversial it was. This is currently how Journalism has changed depending on technology, public opinion biases, etc. 


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