Friday, January 26, 2024

Why Am I Here

     My name is Katherine Ryan, but I have gone by Kate my whole life. My family origin contains Irish and German roots. I grew up in a small suburban town called Sparta NJ. I have two brothers and a massive extended family. Growing up with a big family has taught me to treasure those connections closest to me. I have a pretty outgoing personality due to the way I was raised. And the people I surround myself with. Me and my family spend a lot of time traveling and taking family vacations, to maintain healthy connections with one another. Growing up in a big family has helped me understand the importance of communication. Relationships are maintained when communication is sought. My parents raised me to always check in on family, friends, and significant others. They always said you never know what someone is going through or the mental state they are in so always cherish your relationships. My parents taught me and my brothers at a young age that we are a very lucky family not just because of our relationships with one another but financially as well. This has helped me develop gratefulness for everything in life, and the people I am surrounded with. Now I am still human so every once in a while, I slip up and forget how lucky I am and how grateful I should be. 

    Growing up with two brothers taught me to be mentally and physically tough. I wrestled and played football when I was younger because my brothers did. I wanted to prove to them and my parents that I could accomplish anything they could. My parents taught me discipline, and that you are only as strong as your most negative thoughts or influences. Even though I am young, and will admit I have made some mistakes in my lifetime. My family influenced the concept of owning your mistakes, and trying your best to do better. This gave me the strength to be bold, and own every part of myself and my life no matter what. 

    In my senior year of high school, I started to think of places where I wanted to go to college. My final choices were between High Point University and the University Of Utah. I discovered in my senior year of high school what I wanted to do with my life after a public speaking presentation that I did. This empowered me to chase after my dream of one day becoming a TV show host. That is why I am a Journalism major. I want to influence the world to be themselves. There is nothing like the adrenaline rush after speaking my mind and influencing a crowd. After discovering my passion and what I want to pursue in my life I just needed to pick a school. High Point University and the University Of Utah are two totally different schools. What helped me make my final decision on HPU, was the moment I stepped foot in the Communications building. I saw the cameras and thought to myself this is the place for me because it gives me hope that I can accomplish my dream. And hope is the only mindset you need to accomplish your aspirations. I am so grateful for taking advantage of the opportunity to attend a university where dreams are accomplished. While I still have a ton of work to put in, to make myself a better person, and accomplish my goals in Journalism I have learned and grown so much from this campus. 

EOTO 3 Reax

 All my classmates chose a person who has made a huge impact in the media field. These presentations helped me gather an analysis of the dif...